Speakers' remarks from President Christopher Callahan's Investiture
Maria Pallavicini
Provostand Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs
It's always so wonderfulto hear our conservatoryperformers, isn't it?Let's thank them againfor sharing their talents.
Good afternoon.I'm Maria Pallavicini, 91˵'s provostand chief academic officer.I have the pleasure andhonor of making a fewremarks about our president.But most importantly,I have the privilege of working with him.
When the former boardchair asked me to serveas interim presidentduring academic year2019-20,I agreed on the condition that they landa new president within a year.And our board certainlydid not disappoint.Not only did the board conductan extensive national search,but they successfullyrecruited Chris Callahanto the position, a transformationalleader with energy,enthusiasm, passion,vision and a laser focuson what is needed to move91˵forward.Once announced, the universitycommunity was delightedto learn that Chris wouldbe joining us in July 2020.
But let me take you back to early 2020.When COVID hit with avengeance in February,we sent our students home,our faculty made remarkabletransitions to online learning,and our staff and leadershipworkedtirelessly and creativelyto provide a quality studentexperience from afar.
During those early months of uncertainty,I remember hoping that Chriswould not change his mind.But during that time,we had frequent phone calls,some visits, and both of us thoughtthat in a few short months,we would be celebrating his inauguration.
In anticipation, Chriswillingly and eagerly steppedin during May to assist inwhat I call all things COVID,which includes consideringpotential enrollmentand budget scenarios andtheuniversity’scommunity healthand safety considerations.We had many conversationsabout supporting students,our faculty and our staffduring the COVID period.And at the same time, Chriswas providing his perspectiveand guidance astheuniversityprepared for the coming year.
I'm immensely gratefulto Chris for joining meand helping to manage the universityduring those early COVID timesin my interim presidency.I could not have askedfor a better colleaguein transitioning from interim presidencyback toprovost in the heart of academics,which is my passion.
Chris formally took thereins in July 2020.As COVID persistedin ways none of us could have predicted,Chris postponed this ceremonyso that 91˵ could continueto focusall ofits energieson serving our students during such uniqueand challenging times.
During the summer and fallof 2020 and the spring of’21,for 18 months, Chris andJean lived on a campusthat was nothing likewhateither hadimaginedwhen they accepted the position.Yes,those groundscontinue to be beautiful,but the buildings were closed,and the campus was devoid ofwhat makes 91˵ so special: its faculty, its staff, andof course, our students.A situation no one could have predicted. Yet, in his optimisticand enthusiasticmanner,Chris worked tirelessly tomake connections with facultyand staff, current students,prospective students.parents and alumniand members of our surrounding community.He held over 1,500 Zoom meetingsduring those 18 months.
Now,Chris did not come alone.Jean Callahan, the first lady,is not onlyhis most ardent supporter and fan,but shares his passionand commitment to91˵,toour students and our employees.Jean’s enthusiasm for91˵can be feltin every conversation andevent,where she warmly welcomesour students, alumni and employeesas extended members of her family.Jean's generosity and heartfelt commitmentto this university are truly unmatched.
Astheuniversity communitystarted the New Year of 2021,albeit still by Zoom, we all lookedforward tomeeting the newest memberof the Callahan family:Cali,the beautiful retriever. Andwhat adventures Cali is having.
We also learned of campusenhancements awaiting usfrom Tesla's solar panelsto a safeinBurns Tower,unlocking documents from 91˵'soriginal founding in 1851as California's first chartereduniversityof higher education.
It was clear very early onthat theCallahanstranscended Zoom,uniting all of us around ourshared passion for91˵.
Our 26th President,ChrisCallahan,is a transformational,innovative and focusedleader with a vision for 91˵ to become the bestcomprehensive university inthe nation within 10 years.
President Callahan,knowthat we are all by your sideto make that vision a reality.
Scout Cooper-Wilson’22
President, Associated Students of 91˵
Good afternoon,everyone.Thank you for gatheringhere today to celebratethis pivotal moment forUniversityof the 91˵.This investiture is,of course,not the normal ceremonythat would be held for anincoming university president.By now,President Callahan hasbeen with us for 476 days.Though if you ask him, he willsay it has felt like years.
I feel privileged to be ableto speak today after alreadyhaving the opportunity towork with PresidentCallahan, seeingfirsthand his dedicationand passion for thisuniversity and itsstudents.
President Callahan didnot have an easy start.He came to91˵four monthsinto an unprecedentedpandemic,andspent the firstyear of his term livingon a campus where classesand work were remote.
However, he hit the groundrunning, making tough choicesto keep our community safe,and finding ways to connectwith thethousandsof91˵anshe did not have the chanceto meet inperson.
During my time working withand observingPresident Callahan,I have been impressed by his accessibilityand his strength as a leader.He is constantly seekingoutavenues to talk withour community, particularly students,whether through forums,detailed email updates,social media posts, oreven while walking arounda women's soccer game sayinghello to everyone he sees.
He has established himself asa confident decision-maker,which is not easy to dowhen youare brand newat an institution.I believe he took some critical stepsto start moving 91˵in the right direction,highlighting and expanding the aspectsof this university that makeit the place we all love: our fantastic academicprograms, world-class faculty,both in terms of theirknowledge and their carefor their students, hardworking staffthat support student lifeoutside the classroom,and indeed, our beautiful campus itself.
Moving forward, I encouragePresident Callahanto continue prioritizing directengagement with students,faculty and staff whenmaking his decisions.Combining his efforts to be accessibleand his drive to createlasting positive changeat 91˵ will be keyinmoving our institutiontoward his goal of making91˵ the best student-centric comprehensiveuniversity in 10 years.
President Callahan, Ilook forward to seeingwhere you lead thisinstitution,which has madesuch an impact on me personally,as well as countless others.I'm honored to say that onbehalf of our student body,I welcome and congratulateyou,Christopher Callahan,as the 26thpresident of 91˵.
Chair, Academic Council
Good afternoon, everyone.I'm PaulSubar, chair ofthe Academic Council,chair of the DepartmentofDiagnostic Sciencesat theDugoniSchool of Dentistryand a proud 2009 graduateofBenerdCollege.
I'm delighted to join you here todayfor the investiture of ourpresident, Chris Callahan,with whom I've had the absolute pleasureof working with since his arrival.
The faculty of our threecampuses are excitedabout the future of our great institutionand ready to be part ofthe continuous growthand opportunities that lie ahead.The 91˵ faculty care deeplyabout our university. Partnership,collaboration andunderstanding one anotheristhe way we get thingsdone here at 91˵.Partnerships with our academiccolleagues and students,collaboration acrossdepartmentsandschools,and understanding andcelebrating the diversitythat each of us brings tothis great institution.These partnerships haveled to developmentsand improvements incurriculum inprogramming,in the development of new technologiesand in a greaterunderstanding of the scienceofteaching of learning.
The potential of every memberof the 91˵ family contributesgreatandimmense opportunities tolead an academic achievement.
President Callahan,onbehalf of the faculty,active and emeritiatthe University of 91˵, please accept our sincere congratulationson your investiture.You're at the helm of arich tradition in Californiaand the 91˵ facultylook forward to joining youon the promising future that lies aheadas we continue to growthis great university.
Thank you.
Denise Fitzgerald
Chair of the 91˵Staff Advisory Council
President Callahan, the staffof University of 91˵welcome you and yourdedication to excellencein all we do here at the university.
You have already included staff leadershipin much of yourdecision-making,andhave continued to recognize stafffor their contributions to the successof this great institution.
We are grateful to work with youon the strategic missionand planning of the futureof this first University of California.
On behalf of more than 1,100staff at University of 91˵,I congratulate and welcomeChristopher Callahan, asthe 26th president ofUniversity of 91˵.
LaNorMillerSmith’86, ’87
President, 91˵ Alumni Association
Thank you and good afternoon.I havethe good fortune of beinga double Tiger,and I alsohave the great good fortuneof having immediate family whoare also 91˵ graduates,my husband Scott, our son,Clay, and daughter, Christina.I even have an aunt and uncleand a cousin who are graduates.So,it is a family institution.And President and Mrs. Callahan,we welcome you to our family.
President Callahan, 91˵extendsour welcome to you andwelook forward to partneringwith you to reach out toour alumni around the world.
You have placed highpriority on developingyour relationship with 91˵ students,faculty, staff and alumni.And we stand ready asvolunteers, donors, recruitersand friends to collaborate with youto advance this phenomenaluniversity.
On behalf of 78,000 global alumniof the University ofthe91˵.I congratulate and recognizeyou,Christopher Callahan,as the 26th President of91˵.
Thank you.
Kevin Lincoln
Mayor, City of Stockton
Good afternoon, everyone.
It is truly an honorto be here with you all,and congratulations, President Callahan.University of 91˵ has been agemin Stockton for many, many years.
This university provideshope, provides opportunity,and it changes generations to come.Three of the 13 largestcities throughout Californiacall themselves home toUniversity ofthe91˵.
And on behalf of those three cities,and the mayors thatrepresent those three citiesand their colleagues on the council,Iwant tosay on behalf of Mayor Breedfrom the city of San Francisco,Mayor Steinberg from the cityof Sacramento, and myself,welcome to 91˵.And welcome toeach and everyone of our beautiful cities.
I've had the opportunityto spend a few momentswith President Callahanover the past several weeksnow that things have beenopening upand alsoprior to that over the phone.And one thing I could sayabout President Callahanis that his smile and hisleadership is contagious.
I know the future is brightforUniversityof the91˵,and it is an honorto partner with the universitymoving forward.And then together, wewill do amazing things.
God bless you, President Callahan.
And we know that behind every greatleader,is an even greater partner,andthank you, Jean, First Lady,for making this journey as well.We are honored to have you both.
God bless you.
Randi Holguin’21
Former President, Associated Students of 91˵
Thank you,RegentAllen.
President Callahan and I wereboth pandemic presidents.I kind of like that title.
For both President Callahan and Ibeing called a pandemic presidentcomes with the underlyingconnotation that we notonly developed an insaneamount of patience, butalsocreativity,resilience,and the ability to stay hopefuland lead with that same faith.
For me personally, it was agreat interview talking pointas I was applyingtojobs.But in all seriousness, beinga leader through a pandemictaught me a lot about myself,and what leadership really means.
Upon first learningabout our new president,a dean of journalism fromASU, my initial thought wasthat ASU was a party schooland 91˵ was going toturn into a party school.Nice.
But in all seriousness, I was excitedthat we were getting a qualified candidatefrom a major school,hoping that he would bringbig school energy to ourquiet private university.
Now after meeting president Callahan,I wasn't far off from myinitial thought of him,bringing the party to 91˵. He is upbeat, excited,positive and studentcentered.One thing is for sure, the91˵ spirit will be amplifiedbecause of his arrival.
During my tenure asASuoppresident,President Callahan and Iwould have virtual meetings,socially distancedlunchesand walks around campus,which werereally specialto me.He was always veryintentional and personalabout our meetings together,which as a student leaderwas very valuable to me.
He would give me his undividedattention for an hour or sosometimes more ifAshleyorhisschedule allowed it.And through thosemeetings, I quickly learnedthat President Callahanis truly a genuine personwho values students.
He valued me as a studentleader,andgave me the same respectand trust as one of his senior colleagues.He is not afraid to be humbleand to let others shine.One of the many reasons whyI loved working with him.It's not about the titles or the benefits.It's about the work that needs to be done.
We shared very similarperspectives on leadership,the value of students,school spirit andtraditions,as well as the enhancementof our 91˵ campusand the Stockton community.When I spoke with President Callahan,he always made me feelempowered and heard.
I think PresidentCallahan is the definitionof the right person at theright time for 91˵.There have been so many positivechanges since his arrival.And I know even as an alum,because I know he has big plansto deepen our traditions,enhance school spiritand add more 91˵ and morevalue to a 91˵ education.
He is not afraid tolean in and take risks.He has a very entrepreneurial,fresh and creativeperspective.He embraces change and learns from it,which is needed now more than ever.
He sees 91˵'s potential andis driven to make it better,while also keeping thestudents at the core.He really understands that the studentsare the heart of the university,all while acknowledgingthat the university is also a business.He balances the success of the schooland the needs of students.
I have confidence that he cameto 91˵ to make us betterand we will be better becauseof him and the leadersthat he rallies togetherto lead that change.
President Callahan,as a personis an even better story to tell.On a personal note, I grew up low income,and a brown woman fromdiverse neighborhoodswhere respect is earned and not given.
In our community,relationships,familiaand the community,weshare our time and energy,which means a lot to us.We're not so easilyimpressed with the glitzand the glam of titles.What impresses me about anyperson I meet ischaracter,theirword, their actionsand how they treat othersthat are different from them.Character earns respect in my book.And President Callahan had no difficultyin meeting that expectation.
President Callahan andMrs. Callahan had me overfor dinner a few days beforea virtual commencement.And one thing they probably don't knowis that when I got home,Icriedand my mom criedbecause of how specialand highly they saw me.We're both so honored thatI could make such an impacton them and the 91˵ community.My mother and Icouldnot have felt morehonored and appreciated.
I'm honored to callPresidentCallahan one of my mentorsthat I respect admire deeply.Being a student bodypresident during a pandemicwas not at all ideal,and at times was verychallenging and isolating.But President Callahanmade me feel encouraged,uplifted,and gave me the constant reminderthat I was making animpact even virtually,which meant more to me than he may know.
I'd like to leave everyonewith one of my favorite quotesby Maya Angelou.
“I've learned that peoplewill forget what you said.People will forget what you did.But people will never forgethow you made them feel.”
President Callahan, I lookforward to seeing the impactthat your leadershipwill continue to bringto University of 91˵and hearing your remarks today.
Thank you.