If you wish to obtain financial aid, you are strongly encouraged to complete the necessary forms to determine Federal Student Aid eligibility. In many cases, students who believe they do not qualify for federal aid have found that they do qualify by completion of the simple application process.

Non-U.S. Citizens and non-U.S. Permanent Residents are not eligible for federal financial aid. They are, however, eligible to apply for Alternative/Private loans. In order to do so, they must have a co-signer that is a credit worthy U.S. citizen.

The McGeorge Financial Aid Office administers Federal Direct Loans and Federal Work-Study programs to students. The amount of financial aid you receive at the time of disbursement will depend on whether you meet all eligibility requirements for the awarded funds.

In order to be eligible for federal financial aid, you must:

  • have demonstrated financial need (Federal Work-Study only)
  • be a citizen, national, or permanent resident of the United States or provide evidence from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that you are in the U.S. for other than a temporary purpose with the intention of becoming a permanent resident;
  • be attending an accredited institution of post-secondary education on at least a half-time basis;
  • be making satisfactory academic progress in your studies;
  • not owe a refund on a Pell Grant, SEOG or State Student Incentive Grant, and
  • certify that you are not in default on any Title IV loan or owe a refund on any grant made under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, at any institution.

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Contact the Financial Aid Office
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